I’m selling my paintings!

The Red House by Amanda Jane Ogden, watercolour painting

Since I started Amanda Jane Textiles almost six years ago, I have often drawn and painted as a starting point for a fabric design to add to my collection of fabrics. I have shared some of these on the blog already, for example, here where you can see the painting made in preparation for my ‘Butterflies and Bluebells’ fabric.

Butterflies and Bluebells’ fabric design – you can buy it here

I trained in flat pattern design at art college at a time before repeats were produced on the computer. I do that now, of course, but I always start with pencil and paint to create the artwork. You can see the delicacy on the watercolours in fabrics like ‘Bees and Bumble-bees’.

‘Bees and Bumble-bees’ – buy it here

Longer term readers of this blog (thank you!) will remember that I also did a year of drawing every day in 2018. The beginning was documented in this post here. I literally did make 365 drawings, which included drawing on holiday, as shared in this post here.

But aside from all that, I have also painted for pleasure, to capture some beautiful flowers or a lovely landscape. I now have more than I can store, so they need to leave home! You can find watercolours, oil-paintings and mixed media pieces for sale, ready to frame, at very reasonable prices here. This, for example, is one of them:

‘ The Road Ahead’ by Amanda Jane Ogden

It’s sad to see the paintings go, but I am keeping one. It’s a while since I painted this one and I don’t remember the occasion, but I do love honeysuckle, which grew in the garden when I was a child, and I’m fond of the shade of blue in the background, so this was will be framed and go on the wall!

‘Honeysuckle’ by Amanda Jane Ogden

Thank you for reading my blog. Quilt patterns are here, Fabrics are here, Classes are here.

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Published by Amanda Jane Textiles

I am an artist, designer and maker living in Ramsgate, UK

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